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Steering Committee

Steering Committee - The Board: The committee provides strategic guidance on the development of the work plan. It is responsible for advising the Consortium on resources, strategy and policy, and plays the role of arbitrator where disagreement or misunderstanding at the level of the Technical Working Group exists. The Steering Committee meets twice a year.

Patrick Sacco          Chairman                         Assmang

Ken Bagady            1st Vice Chairman            Eramet Comilog

Thibault Coutier      2nd Vice Chairman          Vibrantz Technologies

Jan Coetzee             Member                            FerroGlobe  

Katerina Vatutina     Member                           Stalmag Sp Z.o.o

Erik Eriksson           Member                            Scandinavian Steel AB

Hiromu Otsuka        Member                            Tosoh

Doreen McGough    Executive Director            Mn Consortium

Detailed and Comprehensive studies of Inorganic Manganese Substances

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