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Mn Consortium Structure

The consortium has five arms that make up its body namely ( Members Assembly- The General Assembly, The steering Committee-The board, The Executive Committee - The ExBoard,  Consortium Management -The Executive Director and The Technical Working Group). Decisions about the consortium are arrived at through  voting at consortium general assembly meetings.  

Members Assembly: Consists of consortium members and associates as observers. The Assembly’s powers include but are not limited to annual ratification of the strategic work programme and approval of the annual budget and annual accounts. The Assembly also elects the seven members of the Steering Committee - The Board.

Steering Committee - The Board: The committee provides strategic guidance on the development of the work plan. It is responsible for advising the Consortium on resources, strategy and policy, and plays the role of arbitrator where disagreement or misunderstanding at the level of the Technical Working Group exists. The Steering Committee meets twice a year.

Executive Committee - The ExBoard: This is a sub-committee of the Steering Committee. It is made up of the Chairman, the two Vice-Chairs and the Executive Director. The Executive Committee e-meets monthly to ratify the monthly tasks of the Executive Director and takes action on matters of particular importance and urgency with respect to the day to day functioning of the Consortium.

The Executive Director: The main stay of the consortium who oversees the operational management of the organisation on a day to day basis. The Executive Director is appointed by the Steering Committee, 

Technical Working Group (TWG): This is established by the Steering Committee and made up of members' representatives. The TWG provides technical guidance on the development of the work plan.

Detailed and Comprehensive studies of Inorganic Manganese Substances

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