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Manganese Carbonate Dossier Successfully Updated

The concerns raised by the ECHA ARN’s report triggered a thorough overview of the Manganese Carbonate(MnCO3) dossier.

The submitted dossier was accepted by the ECHA in January 2025. The List below is a brief outline of the sections updated within the dossier.


  • General overall update of all sections to improve the consistency of information reporting across datasets and to align information reporting with the latest version of IUCLID.
  • Robust study summary record on the new PND Rabbit study was added – ECHA Compliance check request
  • Endpoint summaries on aspects highlighted in the ERN report have been substantiated so that the overall conclusions are more clearly reported.
  • Where new summary documents on an endpoint are available (such as the new neurotoxicity and SSD Reports) these have been included.
  • Re-calculation of the chronic environmental reference value (for use in environmental hazard classification of the consortium registered substances) following the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) approach was successfully completed.
  • New Hazard classes
  • Updated waivers – bioaccumulation etc

 Take Home Message: Particular attention has been paid to endpoints of relevance to the ARN on Mn substances, namely: repeated dose toxicity (neurotoxicity), reproductive and developmental toxicity, endocrine disruption  (HH), and aquatic (eco)toxicity. The outcome of this review confirmed that MnCO3 remains unclassified.