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The Manganese bi-weekly webinar which took place from February 20 th – 29 th , organised by the
Manganese REACH Consortium in collaboration with Fieldfisher LLP Belgium saw some 119 company
representatives attend.
The webinar which was aimed at understanding the possible outcomes that could emanate from the
final Manganese Assessment of Regulatory Needs Report vis-à-vis the strength and weakness of the
present registration dossiers of 13 inorganic Manganese based substances highlighted the following:
1) Compliance checks were considered more probable for several substances with the
possibility of conducting more studies to comply with the Chronic 90days endpoints and or
the Extended one Generation Reproductive toxicity study endpoints.
2) The Harmonised classification (CLH) proposal was also considered a possibility for some
substances mainly due to concerns related to the use of readacross data from substances
that already carry a harmonised classification to others with no classification.
3) The restriction of uses especially consumer uses was also highlighted as a possible outcome
for some substances in which case a socio-economic impact and the importance of some
substances in the circular economy could be a good lobbying point.
4) Advocacy to maintain the present classifications in the dossiers was considered important
and appropriate. The avoidance of a “blanket” classification or present classifications
becoming more stringent in terms of cat 2 becoming cat 1 took centre stage.
5) Industry was encouraged to work together by participating in task forces or experts’ group in
relation to reproductive toxicity and specific target organ toxicity (neurotoxic). Those
companies with good relationships with their member states could help in the creation of an
advocacy link.
Overall, the webinar was well attended, SIEF members were expended to contribute towards
associated work and registrants were encouraged to visit the consortium website ( https://reach-manganese.org/news ) for news related to work on the ARNs at least once per month.
Click here the webinar presentations..

February Webinar - SWOP analysis of Registered substances vis-a-vis the Mn ARNs report

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